Saturday, 11 October 2014

Job  : Census workstation/ data base by digitization of maps 

Indian Census is the single largest source of a variety of statistical information on different characteristics of the people of India . Census  is  done by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India (ORGI, ORG&CCI) under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The organization has field offices in all the States and Union Territories (except the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and the Union Territory of Daman and Diu, which are attached to the office at Gujarat.In India first Census data Collecting started  in 1872 ,  130 years before and 2011 is the 15th National Census of the Country  , Census  statistics period in every 10 years. Census data for administration, planning and development. The workstation, situated at the JNU New Convention Centre, JNU Campus, Delhi, has the facility to access all the published census tables from 1991 to 2011 Censuses for research

Census data Collecting  is provide data  like

1. Size of population , density , boundaries , houses
2. births, deaths
3. Census data is  used to provide sampling frame for national and sub-national surveys.
4. Census data on household characteristics and village infrastructure
5. Gender Sensitization age data as well as in over all size of population..
7. National Population Register,/ National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC): identity database of every usual resident
8. Linguistic Survey of India

Quality of  Census data Content 

1. Designing the Census Schedules consisting  of  phases and  by Training people,
2. Information Technology to ensure full coverage of the area and the population without omission or overlapping, collection of quality data without any prejudice and bias and to quickly process the data to make it available in the public domain for use before it becomes obsolete
campaigning  is by Using Social Networking Websites facebook , Community Volunteers . Call Centers facility, Outsourcing

Census  data Consisting  of
1. demography,                    demographic data. union territories, districts, blocks and villages
2. economic activity,                                    Job
3. CivilRegistration System (CRS):                 Birth Rate, Death Rate RBD
4. SampleRegistration System , Birth Rate, Death Rate, Maternal /Infant Mortality Rate age, sex, marital status, work status
5. literacy and education,                   urban-rural residence
6. housing & household amenities,    fertility and mortality, Annual Health Survey, NFHS-2 and NFHS-SC/ST , community ,Socio- Economic and Caste Census

7. urbanization,
8. Health
9. scheduled castes and scheduled tribes,          Economic and Caste Census
10. language,                                                    Linguistic Survey of India
11. religion,                                                        religion
12. migration,                       migration status
13. disability                       Ex Service , handicapped
14. socio-cultural/

Census data is collected Directly and inDirectly.  Directly  Census data  is  by visiting the household and canvassing a single questionnaire over a period of three weeks. In the Revision Round, any changes in the entries that arise on account of births, deaths and migration between the time of the enumerators visit and the reference date/time are noted down and the record updated . The  indirectly Census data   is done  by SAMPLING by visiting the part of the population by means of  questionnaire , or by telephone, postal,  agents/ unskilled agents. indirectly Census data    can have positive and negative  gains resulting  loss of data even though  this process save time. Directly and indirectly Census data is primary and secondary data

List of Directorate of Census Operations in India
  1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 10 Gujarat, Daman & Diu and & Nagar Haveli 19. Maharashtra 28. Sikkim
  2. Andhra Pradesh 11. Haryana 20. Manipur 29. Tamil Nadu
  3. Arunachal Pradesh 12. Himachal Pradesh 21. Meghalaya 30. Tripura
  4. Assam 13. Jammu & Kashmir 22. Mizoram 31.Uttar Pradesh
  5. Bihar 14. Jharkhand        23. Nagaland 32. Uttarakhand
  6. Chandigarh 15. Karnataka 24. Orissa 33. West Bengal
  7. Chhattisgarh 16. Kerala 25. Puducherry
  8. Delhi 17. Lakshadweep        26. Punjab
  9. Goa 18. Madhya Pradesh 27. Rajasthan


1. surveys and fact-finding enquiries
2. surveys and  “Gathering knowledge for knowledge‟s sake
3. surveys and  Quantitative vs. Qualitative  like amount important in the behavioural sciences
4. surveys and   data-based research
5. surveys and   the time required to accomplish research, on the environment in which research is done
6. surveys and   exploratory
7. surveys and   deep probing data gathering devices
8. surveys and   utilizes historical sources like documents, remains
9. surveys and sub-classified in characteristics relationships of population , some variables are manipulated to observe their effect on other variables , environment within which relevant information and data can be generated.
10. surveys and   government policies in our economic system , collecting information on the economic and social structure of the nation
11. surveys and logical and scientific decisions
12. surveys seeking answers to various social problems.
13. Surveys is collection of data , statistical techniques, accuracy
14. Field Research is observation , Mail questionnaire , Opinionnaire , Personal interview, Focused interview , Group interview , Telephone survey , data for intensive analysis, longitudinal collection of data , Historical and Statistica  Analysis
15. Surveys is methods or techniques and Scientific Method
16. Surveys is Designing , sample designing  , Collecting the data , Execution of the project , Analysis of data , Generalisations and interpretation , presentation report
17. Surveys is done by Ministry of Home Affairs,  Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) and the Ministry of Housing& Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), National Rural Health Mission, Ministry statics
The history of Indian Census can be divided in two parts i.e. Pre Independence era and Post Independence era

Pre Independence Period

1. 1800 year  Census  is Census report  of family Where dependencies is not known
2. 1824 year  Census is  Census report  in town of Allahabad
3. 1827-28  year  Census is  Census report in the city of Banaras
4. 1830  year  Census is  Census report The first complete census of an Indian city Dacca In sex and broad age group and also the houses with their amenities were collected
5. 1836-37 Second Census was conducted
6. quinquennial returns of population in year 1851-52, 1856-57, 1861-62 and 1866-67 respectively
7. The quinquennial Census of 1866-67 was merged in the imperial census of 1871.
8. 1861 year general census of population
9. 1865 year census by an actual house to house enumeration was undertaken in North western provinces
10. 1966 in central provinces and in 1867 in Berar
11. 1855 and 1868 Census in Punjab territory was taken
12. 1869 Census of Oudh was taken
13. 1863, 1864 and 1866 census was taken in cities of Madras, Bombay and Calcutta
14. 1869 census of lower provinces of Bengal was organized
15. Census of 1872 census was undertaken by the actual counting of heads in most of the part of the country
16. Census of 1881 which was undertaken with 12 questions
17. The second census was conducted from 26th February, 1891 contains 14 questions
18. The third continuous census was started on 1st March, 1901 contained 16 questions
19. The Census of 1911 16 questions
20. 1921 Census , the fifth census 16 questions
21. The sixth general census of India commenced on February 26, 1931. contains 18 questions
22. The Census of 1941 22 questions.

Censuses of Post Independence Period

1. The first census of Independent India was conducted in 1951 contained 13 questions, 12 questions with its sub parts
2. Census of 1961 started in a) Household Schedule b) Individual Slip 13 Questions
3. The Census of 1971 i. Houselisting Operations ii. Actual Enumeration contained 17 questions
4. The Census, 1981  i. Household Schedule ii. Individual Slip 16 Questions
5. The Census of 1991 Houselist , Household Schedule, Individual Slip 21 Questions NHFS SURVEYS
1961 Census
socio-economic surveys  of villages multi-ethnic population  based on geographical, occupational and ethnic diversity like Handicraft Studies, Studies of Fairs and Festivals,
1971 and 1981 Census:-
Town Studies linking urban studies  , Ethnographic Studies, Handicraft Studies, Studies of Fairs and Festivals
Caste Census
Socio Economic and Caste Census is by The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) and the Ministry of Housing& Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA)

In 2001 Census is integrating

1. 23 Questions
2. Gender Sensitization of male and female, data on total number of children ever born, children born last year and children surviving which are collected from all ever married women by VITAL REGISTRATION SYSTEM on  fertility and mortality
3. Ex-defense personnel and disabled population by type of disability.
4. These data are used for demographic estimates, projections of  populations, planning purposes data related to female count, marital status, female headed households, female disability and female work-participation has continued to suffer from undercount or under-reporting in 2001 Census.
5. accurate information, an attempt was made to integrate gender issues i by identifying gender critical districts, which had low sex ratio (less than 900); low female literacy (less than 30%) or low female work participation rate (less than 20%) on the basis of 2001 Census.
6. At 2001 Census, for the first time, a major technology change in the vital activity of data extraction recorded on the Census Schedule and creating associated computer data files was introduced.. In the new technology used, the Census Schedules were scanned using high speed duplex scanners and information read using ICR technology, saved time for data capture and data tabulation thus ultimately making it available to the users early. Optical Mark Reader (OMR)/ Optical Character Recognition (OCR)/Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) is used

2011  Census data is 

1. The NPR canvassing a National Population Register at the time of Houselisting and Housing Census, identity dataBase, The Houselisting and Housing Census of 2011 contains 34 questions
2. every individual by visiting the household and canvassing a single questionnaire over a period of three weeks on account of births, deaths and migration between the time of the enumerators visit and the reference date/time are noted down and the record updated.
3. Census 2011 has been conducted in two phases. In the first phase, known as House listing and Housing Census, each building, house and other structures were systematically listed and numbered. Besides, useful information on use of the house, amenities available to the households, if residential, and assets owned by them was collected. This exercise, held between April to September, 2010 in different States/Union territories was used to draw up a frame for the second phase of Census 2011, known as Population Enumeration held in February 2011. The objective was to ensure full coverage of the area and the population without omission or overlapping, collection of quality data without any prejudice and bias and to quickly process the data to make it available in the public domain for use before it becomes obsolete by  updating of jurisdictional boundaries of all the administrative units from States to the Villages/Towns.
4. Census 2011 information on changes in the jurisdiction of the administrative boundaries of 35 States/Union Territories, 640 districts, 5,924 sub-districts, 7,935 towns and 6,40,867villages were meticulously collected along with official notifications and maps.
5. Each of these changes was recorded in the digitized maps using latest GIS software. In addition, the Census Organization has completed preparation of detailed digital maps of 33 capital cities of the country based on satellite imagery. These maps show detailed layout of buildings, houses, other structures, road network and important landmarks and were used in Census 2011.


Census  data on total number of children ever born, children born last year and children surviving which are collected from all ever married women, employment, migration, health, fertility, reproductive and child health surveys. and poverty, fertility & mortality indicators at the national and sub-national levels.
NATIONAL FAMILY HEALTH SURVEYS  initiated in 1991 launched by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) which designated International Institute of Population Sciences as the nodal agency  NFHS-2 and NFHS-3.
1. under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).
2. Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
3. Crude Death Rate (CDR),
4. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR),
5. Total Fertility Rate (TFR),
6. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), Sex Ratio at Birth & host of other indicators on maternal & child care family planning practices
7. Total Fertility Rate, Abortion, Family Planning Practices, Ante-natal Care, Delivery Care, Post-natal Care, Immunization, Childhood Disease, Breastfeeding and Supplementation, Birth Registration, Disability, Injury, Mortality, Personal Habits
8. Clinical, Anthropometric and Bio-chemical (CAB) Survey
9. Medical Certification of Cause of Death (MCCD) under the registration of Births and Deaths (RBD)

 These surveys have produced national and state data on

1. level estimates of fertility,
2. infant and child mortality,
3. the practice of family planning,
4. maternal and child health care and the utilization of services provided for mothers and children.
5. NFHS-3 has also provided data on reproductive and child health indicators including reproductive tract infection (RTI) and sexually transmitted infections (STI).
6. NFHS-3, for the first time, made use of biomarkers and produced data on anemia and  prevalence of HIV.

REPRODUCTIVE AND CHILD HEALTH SURVEYS  in 1998 / 1999 : level data on utilization of services provided by the government health facilities and people’s perception on quality of these services. RCH surveys have produced data on the following indicators: girls marrying below age 18, births of order 3 and above, women age 15-44 knowing all modern methods of family planning, married women using any modern method of family planning, married women  having unmet need for family planning, women who receive antenatal care (ANC), women having institutional delivery, women having safe delivery, children receiving  complete vaccination, women who reported knowledge of HIV/AIDS, women who had any symptoms of RTI/STI, men who reported knowledge of HIV/AIDS, men who had any symptoms of RTI/STI, and rural women who were visited by ANM during three months prior to survey. urban-rural residence, caste (SC/ST and others), education (illiterate, 0-9 years and 10 and above)  and type of house (kachcha, semi-pucca and pucca). Questions and Exercises

Two kinds of maps are prepared by the organization.

1. Maps for use in Census (pre-census)  on boundaries  :The Pre-Census mapping activities include the preparation and updating of maps showing administrative units of the States, Districts, Sub-Districts showing Villages, Towns and Wards in Towns for proper coverage of the entire geographical area of the country
2. Maps for use in data dissemination (post-census) by thematic maps

Mapping is done by  
1. Geographic Information System (GIS)based town mapping was undertaken, for the first time, in 2132 wards in 33 State/UT Capital cities of the country.
2. Ward Mapping using High Resolution Satellite Imagery
3. State / UT Administrative Atlases
4. Boundary of Administrative units

Maps Available for Purchase

A list of maps for purchase. Many of our maps are available to purchase in wall size format. in Demographic, Socioeconomic, Economic, and other Statistical Data
Census Analysis - Single People
Census Map - Labour Market
Census map analysis - Passports
Census map analysis - Country of Birth
Census map analysis - Short-term residents
Census map analysis - Unpaid care
Census map analysis - Method of Travel
 Census - Health
Census - Lone Parents
Census - Welsh Language
Living Alone
Census - Dwelling Type
Census - Economic Activity
Census area comparison tool Census - Religion
Census - Ethnicity
Census - Year of Arrival
Census - Car Ownership
Census - Qualifications
Census - Tenure
Census - People with second addresses - interactive map
Census interactive map
Census - Population and Age
Census - Country of Birth comparison tool
Census - Religion comparison tool
Ethnicity comparison tool
Census - Country of Birth and Passport comparison tool

Mapping the Census by Maps : Census Data Mapper Reference Maps Thematic Maps: 

A Dot for Every Person is transform block data from the 2010 Census into points on a map and transform each of the country's metro areas dissolve from black to white and fading darkness in density between two sides of a street. Thematic maps are data maps of a specific subject or for a specific purpose. Statistical thematic maps include a variety of different map types such as choropleth or shaded maps, dot maps, proportional symbol maps, and isarithmic maps. Special purpose maps generally concentrate on a single theme.
Map service shows the population. Population density is calculated by dividing the total population count of geographic feature by the area of the feature, in square miles. The area is calculated from the geometry of the geographic feature in projected coordinates. The best use of this map is at the larger scales

Census Geocoder

The Census Geocoder is an address look-up tool that converts your address to an approximate coordinate (latitude/longitude) and returns information about the address range that includes the address and the census geography the address is within. The geocoder is available as a web interface and as an API (Representational State Transfer - REST - web-based service).
National Population Register and Identity card
Name of person,
Relationship to head of household,
Father’s name,
Mother’s name,
Spouse’s name (if married),
Occupation/Activity Date of Birth
Marital status
Place of birth
Nationality (as declared
Present address of usual residence
Duration of stay at present address
Permanent residential address, Educational qualification

Geographic Support System Initiative (GSS-I)

GSS-I offers a continuous plan to provide the most current, accurate, and complete address, feature, and boundary data to the Census Bureau’s customers and data users. The GSS-I purpose is to maintain the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data collection, tabulation, and dissemination annually between decennial censuses to support ongoing programs such as the American Community Survey, other current surveys, and population estimates programs

Yours Sincerely
Georgie  S  Cherian  Adoor

Resume for the Digitization of Map job in census


Name Georgie.s.cherian

Sex , D.O.B Male,  17-08-1972

Home Address Georgie.s.cherian
Premise , Street Address Karimpanoor House, Pannivizha
Town, State , Country Adur,  Kerala , India
 District       Pin code Pathanamthitta District  691523

Height  &     weight 179cm 5Ft11inch      &  90Kg

Marital Status  & Relegion   Married ,Christian-Jacobite

India Passport GO171922


Telephone 04734224190 , 09847015595

Academic Qualification Pre degree, BSc Math course completed

Experience                                              5 year GIS Maps Digitization

IT Skills a) GIS Graphics software Netedit , Map derivator
b) unix and solarix
c) Android Mob App
d)  html, javascript,Adobe  Photo shop ,MS office
e) Animation in 3D Max

Work Experience in and DATA India  Pune  from 1999  to  2002 year

And data is a Ireland Based company and  the production branch office is And data India from 1999 at Pune . I am working as Junior data builder.  The Geographical  route Mapping project is to convert analog map to digital by digitization , attribution, checking in Netedit route Mapping software  developing Road Network  , Boundary Network, Railway Network, Ferry Network from Source where there is Cities , town, and street address data base .
I had done  Europe , Asia, Russia, Australia , South American countries in Slip Road, Fly over, Highway  topography   . I had developed street address data base named clavis .

Work Experience in Edge map GIS Bangalore  in  2008  

Edge Map GIS is based in Bangalore  and the  project is to develop tourist map for a German Based company Mairdaumont.   The Geographical  data base is used to develop tourist map using Mapedit and Mapderivator  . I am working as cartographer.
The Geographical  tourist mapping project is to convert analog map to digital by digitization , attribution, checking in Netedit route Mapping software  developing Road Network  , Boundary Network, Railway Network, Ferry Network from Source where there is Cities , town, and street address data base  . 10 month work
I had done  Europe , Asia, Russia, Australia , South American countries in Slip Road, Fly over, Highway  topography   .